Saturday, November 5, 2011

Spring is here!

Welcome back to Term 4!
We looked around the school to see what had changed and brought things to look at that we had found in our gardens at home.

To finish, we made sand saucers:

Our next topic was looking at juices.
We tasted a variety of juices and did a survey to see what people liked.

Next we compared 3 kinds of Orange drink - Raro, Apple and Orange and pure Orange drink.

Most of us liked Raro best and Apple and Orange was least liked.
Then we looked at how much sugar was in each. we were surprised to read that Apple and Orange had the most sugar and Raro had the least.

We compared our school Juicy with a carton of apple juice.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Rugby World Cup

I hope you are all learning your Rugby World Cup facts. 2 weeks to go until testing!   Remember to get some someone to sponsor you. This money will go towards new playground equipment.

We are lucky to have Jamie, Waka and Mark to come in on Thursdays to teach us some rugby skills.
We are learning to run with the ball in both hands and how to score tries just like the All Blacks!

We hold the ball with both hands

It's a try!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Our Tonga Study

First we needed to make a shelter.
We learned how to make 3D shapes first in Maths time then we tried making shelters using rolled up newspapers. They kept falling over and we needed to work as a team to put them together,
The pyramid shape worked the best. A triangle is a really strong shape.
Now we need to make leaves to cover them.

Alex was our expert! He finished his buildings first every time!

We tried to make the base first.

                 Next we used rolled up newspapers to build bigger shelters

Mrs Hewlett's sister came to talk to us about her school in Tonga and to tell us a little about what it was like to live  there. She brought things to show us and dressed up one of the girls in Tongan clothes.

Today we tasted some tropical fruit.
There was coconut (Mrs Snelgar had to borrow Mrs Cave's hammer to open it!) mangoes, pawpaw and pineapple.
We are learning a dance about picking up pawpaws.

Mrs Wilks showed us a huge tapa cloth that she was given when she went to Tonga.
Can you see the coconuts and the leaves?

Marlene brought a fan from Tonga that uses some tapa cloth. Can you see the patterns of the flower?

Our Tongan girls

We drew some tapa patterns and glued them on paper to make our own tapa cloth.

In Tonga they use part of the bark from Mulberry trees. They pound it into strips which are glued together to make the mat.
When it is dry they sponge on the main colour using rags and then paint or stamp on the patterns. You can always hear the women pounding the bark as you walk around the village. 
Mats are very valuable and are given as presents at weddings and funerals and other special occasions.

Today we had a Tongan Market.
We made things to sell.

Working out how much things cost

Waiting for a customer

Who will buy my fish?

We bought these in the market

We made lots of money

I'm selling coconuts and fish

Now I just have to sell these pineapples

We practised what to say

                                            At the market

                      We had fun pretending to shop at the market.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Niu Island
Welcome to Niu Island.
Follow the link and see how you would survive on a tropical island in the Pacific.

We are learning about the resources, jobs and customs of people who live in the Pacific, with a special look at Tonga.
Later we hope to organise some ways to help a school in Tonga.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Maori Language Week

Kia Ora!

This is Maori Language Week.

We are trying to use Maori whenever we can.
We have been put in whanau groups with Rooms 18, 21,and 4.
In the afternoons we do different activities like poi, rakau, singing and art.
Today we had a visit from The Kahurangi Players. They told us stories through drama, song and string patterns.
One story was about Hatupatu and the Birdwoman.

                    Some children got to use a stick as if it was a taiaha.

We have also been learning about weight. We used lots of tools to help us learn - easispeak microphone, computers, camera and scales.

                            We did our weighing then took a photo.

We have been learning about Birds.
We looked at how birds fly and collected feathers to study.
We found pictures of different beaks and feet and saw how these showed which food birds liked to eat and where they usually lived.
We learned about some native New Zealand birds too.
Here are some pictures we drew.

                                   By Stephan  Kassie  and Eve

Monday, May 30, 2011

Our trip to Auckland International Airport

At the airport Room13 went to the airport.
They met Nettie.
She took them around for a tour.
She took them the Departure room.
She even gave them lollies.
They had fun.

We meet Nettie
           Going to the airport      
Room 13 went to the  airport on Wednesday 26th May.
They saw Nettie, the Education officer. She took them upstair,s to do some colouring in. They saw some planes landing and taking off. She took them to see Jean Batten’s plane.
Room 13 had fun at the International airport. 
Our Airport Trip
When we got to the airport 
we went up the escalator to 
see Jean Batten's plane.
We got colouring in books.
We got to colour them in.
We saw the planes take off 
and land.
We also saw the luggage truck 
taking luggage up to the plane.
My favourite part was to see 
the NZ All Blacks plane.
It had a silver fern on it.
By Hayden 

The Airport  

On Wednesday Room 13 went  to  the International  Airport. They went up the escalator to   have a  better  view. They met two girls  called  Nettie  and   Barbie. They   saw  planes  taking off  and  landing.
Nettie gave  them  colouring  books. They  saw a  luggage   truck . Room 13  went  to look   at     Jean Batten’s  airplane.
The Room13  children  had  morning tea.
After  morning  tea  Room 13 had  to  go to their  lines and  Nettie  gave  them a NZ  air port  flag. They  had  to  wave  their  flag every  time  Nettie  had  to  say  some thing
Finally  Room 13  went  back   to  school.BY    kaya

        The Airport
On Wednesday  all the  year  twos went to the airport.The Education  officer  took  us upstairs to watch the planes take off  and land. Then Nettie gave them colouring books and crayons . They  got to take their colouring books home, but  not the crayons because there was not enough.
Nette  showed them around  the airport. They saw Jean Batten’s plane. It was small. She  could  not stand up because it was so small. Then they had  morning tea. After they had  morning tea Nettie gave them a flag. It said welcome to the airport. Then they went back to school.
By Marlene           

Jean Batten's second plane, the Percival Gull in which she flew from England to New Zealand.


The  International  Airport.
All  the  Year 2s  from  Everglade School went to the airport on Wednesday the 26th  May. 26/05/11.They all met Nettie. They went  to the  2nd floor where they  got to colour in some colouring books. Next they got to have morning tea.
Nettie gave everyone a New Zealand silver fern flag. They went for a tour around the airport with Nettie. They got to go to  3rd floor, where they  saw  Jean Batten’s 2nd  plane.  They  got  some  jet  lollies.  They  got  a  pass  they  will  need  if  they  want   to go  on   a  plane.  They got  an  colouring   book.
Finally  it   was  time   to  return  to  school.


Sunday 5th June   WARBIRDS
D-Day Open day at Ardmore aerodrome
(off Hamlin road)  10am – 4 pm
$10 adults  Children free
Scenic flights, displays (12 noon  2:15)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Paper Aeroplanes

We made paper aeroplanes
First we made them out of a light weight paper.
We tested them outside.
Hayden, Marlene, Stephan and Seamus made their planes go
4 to 6 metres!
We made our planes again out of black paper, light card and grey paper.
We tested them inside.
Lyric, Ashwin + Kassie made their planes go 4-5 metres!
Lyric’s went 5 metres.
We thought it might be the person throwing the plane which made the difference.
Lyric threw all three planes and he made them all go 5 metres!
He is an expert!

 Karan and Adeel lauch their planes.

Seamus and Lisa ready for take off...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ready to take off?

Our Topic focus this term is Flight.
We are learning about how things fly for the first two weeks, then we are looking at Famous aviators and jobs that people do at the airport. We have a visit planned for May 25th.
Check out this web site to see how to make paper planes: 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pirate day

 We dressed as pirates for Pirate day:


          We made treasure boxes 
               and pirate ships.         

Digging for treasure
We finished out study of pirates with a special Pirate day.

We had a treasure hunt, some of the treasure was very well hidden!

Now what do these fit?
This was followed by a pirate assembly.
We sang songs, read stories we had written and said a poem.
Room 13 and Room 15 did Pirate dances.